12 Things to Note When Reading Fiction Online


As I mentioned before posting has been light here as I try to finish up a long and difficult to read blog fiction. However, I'm noticing some more things as I'm spending pro-longed times reading these blogs.

First of all, it's true, your eyeballs really do get tired reading all that text on a computer screen.

Second, unlike most web surfing, you can't read blogs while the tv is on. Even if it's a thinking-absent reality tv show. The commercials will still distract you.

Third, Laptops get hot after you've got one on your lap after an hour of blog reading.

Fourth, Laptops aren't good for reading in bed

Fifth, Laptops aren't good for reading in the bathroom either

Sixth, I wonder if an iPhone would be good for reading blog fiction. If they are, I want an iPhone

Seventh, Even if the answer to number 6 is "no", I still want an iPhone

Eighth, I should've made this list a numbered list

9. If someone interrupts you while reading a book, it's okay to hold up a finger to stop them while finishing a paragraph. If you're reading from a computer screen and you do this, you're a "jerk".

10. It's easier to get away with reading fiction at work if it's published on a blog rather than carrying around and reading a book.

11. I still want an iPhone

12. Eleven is too weird of a number to end on


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