Doing My Part to Promote Blog Fiction


As I stated before, one of my goals is to promote blog fiction. There is already a lot out there, but not a lot of people know about it. That's why I'd like to point out what the sidebars of my blog are doing.

The left sidebar is dedicated to the rss feeds of currently active blog fiction. I have 3 requirements for getting onto the left sidebar.
1. The site must be a fictional blog
2. You must have an rss feed for the blog
3. Must currently be posting to the site.

The first 2 requirements are pretty obvious. The third one is because I figured it only makes sense to have feeds from active blogs.

On the right sidebar of my blog you'll notice a header called "Reader Resources" and under that a link labeled: "Grand List of Blog Fiction Sites". This is a link to the forums at my website. It lists all of the fictional blogs I've found. This includes all the ones you see on the left as well as ones that are inactive(finished or abandoned) and active ones that don't have a feed.

If you know of any blog fiction that isn't included, PLEASE let me know. Putting it in the forum list would be ideal. Leaving me a comment with a description of the blog fiction would be the next best choice. If it's an active blog fiction with a feed, I will add it to the left sidebar.

Blog Fiction


Over a year ago, I was doing some random internet surfing and I ran across a blog on blogger called Fleet Commander. It was a blog written by a person from the distant future. I have no idea if the person who wrote it was an amateur or professional writer. What I do know is that I enjoyed it immensely.

After reading all the chapters I started looking for other blog fiction. I found it. I read them and have enjoyed most of them. In time, I decided to start my own blog fiction.

Although I have forums on my own website. I wanted to have a site that could have discussions about blog fiction without my own necessarily being the topic du juor. I'm just an amateur, afterall - There's a lot of writing out there that's really good. I'd also like to discuss other things like tips on writing blog fiction and promoting it. All of this I felt a little constricted talking about it on my own fictional blog.

That's why I've decided to separate the two. I'll still be participating in my own forums - and I may even cross post, but i think it'll be obvious which belong in the forum and which belongs on this blog.


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