Blog Fiction Classification Chart Draft


I've completed the rough draft of my attempt to chart out online fiction and where blog fiction belongs on it. The different properties are listed on a previous post. The first branch determines if the blog uses text or multimedia for it's primary outfit. If it's not text, then it's out of my league.

One other thing to note. I use the phrases "blog aware" and "non blog aware". I combined the properties "Interaction" and "non-story interaction" since they were describing the same thing. And that was "Does the fictional person writing the diary interact with his readers?" What it means is, does the person writing the diary acknowledge that it is being written on a blog. Hence, "blog aware". Or could the whole thing very well be transcribed from a personal diary - "non blog aware".

Please leave any comments and suggestions about the chart. As long as there aren't any major changes resulting from my reader's observations, I'll be posting a color-coded chart either tomorrow or monday. The colors will indicate which makes sense to me to call blog fiction. Also, which makes sense to call something else.

Blog Fiction Chart


Big Melly Mills said...

That's a bit confusing...

Dustin said...

I know. It would be better if I could've made it a little wider, but too wide and it would break the blog margins. Maybe I should re-arrange it and just make a picture to click-through.

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