I'm dumping BlogRush


Back in February I did a review of Blog Rush. I said that it probably won't get you much traffic, but couldn't hurt. Well, today I take it back. I can't even get blog rush to give traffic to this blog. Since March 14th, I've only managed to get 13 visitors via BlogRush. The bounce rate of those visitors is 85%. 13 visitors in 6 months is not worth the screen real-estate or additional quarter second load time that it adds.

I'm not the only one dumping blogrush either. A quick google search reveals a lot of dissatisfaction with the widget:

If you want a contrast of how dismal of a statistic that is, I've gotten 23 clicks from the blog fiction widget just since July. That's when it was still mostly in beta. I've replaced it with another widget scheme that's supposed to bring in additional traffic. That scheme is Entrecard. I've only had for a short time, but I can already tell that it's a lot more promising. I think it could really work for a blog fiction site as well. I'll give a fuller review when I have more experience with it.


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Yep, I dumped BlogRush a few months back. Haven't missed it.

Anonymous said...

Same here removed - not missed at all.

Anonymous said...

I did the same thing. I was annoyed that blogrush didn't ever to seem to have appropriate links. In contrast Entrecard gives you control of where your site is advertised and what sites can advertise on yours. Saying that, I find the bounce rate to be very high when it comes to EC generated traffic.

Dustin said...

Kevin, I wouldn't doubt the on average traffic from entrecard being high. I figure most people drop their card and then move on.

What I think is helpful is if you can get visitors from "ads". That is people who found your picture interesting and want to know what it is all about.

Also, if you happen to run into a blog or two that write about something similar you might attract an additional reader.

So far, I'm pretty happy with entrecard.

Blog of Innocence said...

I think of all the gadgets I've put on my site, the only one that seems to bring visitor is blogtoplist.

Unknown said...

I've heard some really high profile bloggers say the traffic they got from Blogrush was minimal. EC works for me, the traffic is good and I've noticed an increase in subscription numbers too.

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