Get the Blog Fiction Widget


I have posted, in the forums, the code and tutorial on how to put the blog fiction widget on your blog or website. Right now I only have 2 volunteers (plus myself) using it. I'd like to get 2 to 3 more people. In exchange for putting it on your website, your blog fiction's feed will also be included in the widget.

During the Beta, I will have the beta widget on my sidebar in addition to the full widget.

Included in the tutorial is how to customize the widget. You can customize the width of the widget, the number of items that are displayed, text color, and background color. By request, I've also included a "family friendly" option for those who are trying to appeal to a general audience.

This blog will have it's feed published in the widget as well, however, posts in the forum will not be included. I've concluded that those posts are too numerous and it wouldn't be fair to those whose blog fiction is more deserving of the exposure.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about it!

Dustin said...

Let me know if you do and I'll put your blog into the "shared" feed.

Anonymous said...

I put it on my site, testing it out. It's pretty cool.

Emma Pooka said...

My Blogfic isn't up and running yet - still in the planning stages - but when it is, I'd certainly like to add your widget.

Rambling Writer said...

Hi Dustin, Iv'e added your widget to my blog


Dustin said...

Jason, RW,
I've added your sites to the widget. Next time you post you should see your posts in it.

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