Blog Fiction Formats


Blog fiction is still a very new fiction format. The number of English examples of it I don't think has even hit a hundred. But despite the low number, I am already noticing that Blog Fiction tends to follow only a few different formats. I'm going to describe what I've found here. Also, without any humbleness whatsoever, I'm going to try to give a name to the different formats.

Standard Blog Fiction
A blog fiction that is written using a single blog\url that's written by only one character. I call this the "standard" because it's the most common. As far as why it's the most common, I can only theorize. It might be because it's the simplest type to read. It might be because that's the most popular non-fiction blog type. Examples of this can be seen throughout my feed list and the entire list of blog fiction. For instance: Anonymous Lawyer, The Professional Pet, Wilf's World

Many to One Format
This I would say is the next most popular format. This is where there are many character's writing, but they are all kept within the same blog. Each entry somehow indicates which character is writing the blog. The indication might be a label, category setting, or may even be contained within the post itself. Active examples of this format would be Yanni's Block and Fate's Acquittal

Many to Many Format
This type of blog fiction not only has multiple character's, but each character has their own blog. If you're going for as much realism as possible, this format makes the most sense. Most people like to have their own blog and don't share it with others. In spite of that, it's the least used format I've seen. I think there is two reasons for this. It's the hardest format to set up(think 5 different blogger accounts). Also, it's the hardest for a reader to follow - trying to read them in chronological order means you have to have 5 different windows\tabs open. Examples of this format would be the Super-Hero Blogs and Ten-Sided. (even linking to them is difficult because i don't know which blog I should link to!)

I wanted to have a category to cover sites that I haven't seen yet. I've found a couple "quirky" sites that might fit the description of "blog fiction", and they don't fit the description of any of the other formats. See them here: Renal Failure, The Writer's Stand

I think it's important to have words or simple phrases for common occurrences. It makes talking about them a heck of a lot easier. Looking into the future I plan on using these terms a lot. That's why I wanted to define them here so that I could just say [X] blog has a "Many to One" format, instead of always taking a paragraph to define the format. I just hope you all will forgive my audacity in thinking that I can invent new phrases.


Anonymous said...

I just found this blog and really enjoy it! Fiction is underrepresented on blogs and I think it's going to be a big trend over the next couple of years.

Keep up the great work!

renalfailure said...

I love it when I defy description and categorization.

Kathleen Maher said...

For two years, I've been writing fiction on my blog, Diary of a Heretic. All fiction-one author-serial posts of 700 words--various points of view. The posts are episodes that string together and (so far) end at novella-length. I just finished "Beneath the Rainbow." One character speaks for himself; otherwise the episodes are 3rd person and include the two or three points of view.

My fiction blog sometimes offers flash fiction, which I write originally for The View from Here, a U.K. online literary magazine with some fiction, but also reviews and interviews. (These too sometimes cover alternating p.o.v.)

Another fiction blog that uses just-written single episodes as serials is Dan Leo:

His fiction is funnier and wilder than mine. Mostly told from one pov, his hilarious novel-length, just-written, episodes feature great dialgoue. He alternates stories and one is told by a fictional poet.

Torrance Red said...

Check out a new fiction blog website.

Submit your fiction blog or short story.

Trin Carl said...

I've been writing my blog fiction for the last year, this is the first site that I have found that actually speaks to what I have been trying to do with my blog:Thank you. I love the forums and updates about what's going on in the blog world.

Martie Collins said...

I haven't seen any blogs like mine -- mommy humor/sitcom. It's Meet the McDonalds -- soon to be America's favorite fictional family.

Share the adventures of mom Charlotte, dad Ed, kids Betsey, Josh, and Priscilla, Duke the Labradoodle, and Nigel the Cat.

Charlotte narrates with innocent snarkiness.
She's been told she thinks of things nobody else has ever thought of, but she can't figure out why they haven't.
Is anybody else doing anything like this?

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